What does it mean to provide a service to a customer? Are you giving them what they want or are you giving them what you think is best for them? Learn to fall in love with your customers.
Metacognition needs to be applied here. Metacognition means “thinking about your thinking”. It is ancient knowledge that the main purpose of business is to meet the needs of its customers.
How do you view your customer? Are they a means to an end or are they part and parcel of your business? To produce a service that works, we must learn to think like our customers.
This should logically imply that the customer must be at the heart of every solution design process within the firm. Organisations must understand what it feels like to be their customers.
Organisations must feel the pains of their customers. Understanding what your customers need and how and why they behave the way they do is critical to creating the right products, services, and experiences that meet their needs.
Involving customers from the beginning to the end of the innovation process is the best way to ensure that products and services are fit for purpose.
The failure of most new product offerings is well documented. If you don’t have time for your customers, they won’t have time for you. Most innovations are incremental…