From Pixabay

It doesn’t have to be perfect



You can tell your story. You can write about your experiences or interests without worrying about how perfect it is. You will hone your skills as you put in more practice, especially if you ask for feedback from your consumers.

I still don’t know who I write for. I don’t know my niche because I write about different topics. Maybe I am my audience. I write to heal my soul. I write because I believe I have a spiritual mandate to do so. I feel it is an obligation to express my thoughts in words.

You can write to make money but you can also write to fulfil an internal burning desire. Motivation comes and goes but having regular practice remains the most effective way to improve yourself and your writing. I will hone my practice here.




I write to heal myself. I write about politics. I write what I feel deeply about. I have a PhD. I am trying to live my best life. I write to share my truths.