In the world of the unconscious is the land of the lost. The inhabitants of the land of the lost are lost souls that are condemned, forgotten, and written off by themselves. In the land of the lost, everybody is sick. There is no hospital in the land of the lost. We lived in a diseased state until our spirits decayed and decomposed and until our bodies could no longer survive the fear and shameful inflictions.
Depression was our food, and happiness was our suffering. Strangely, the leaders of the lost were those inflicted with the most severe illnesses; everything was upside down. We were invisible to the human eye and thus our lives were always tethered on the verge of suicide. In the land of the lost is the street of addiction.
On the road of addiction, was a playground for wasted souls with no hope of redemption. Death was a luxury we could not afford so most people stayed sick forever but never died. When we died out of shame in the land of the lost, nobody bothered to arrange a funeral. Our bodies were left to rot on the avenue of disgrace. Those who were lucky enough to die were reborn as dark angels in the world of the awakened.
Opportunity comes our way and we reject it. Our preconceptions and misconceptions of the messenger hold us to ransom. True love is the key to inner peace and happiness. The serial broken-hearted are scared of rejection. Could this…