The scars on our hearts should remind us of the hurdles we have had to scale on our journey thus far.
They serve as landmarks and reference points to guide our future decisions and actions.
The lessons learned from the tragic events that imprinted those scars are invaluable and should form the basis for our strategic planning.
Those lessons are our experiences which must be translated into wisdom.
Our emotional scars tell the story of our lives. They are bounded in space and time. The space and time of each event have created chapters and sections for self-reflection and critical analysis of the journey.
The natural healing process that followed each tragedy can be synthesised and then converted into a permanent internal framework for reversing misfortune and wrong decision-making.
Take time to heal yourself and make a commitment to bring light into the darkness of people around you.
Bringing light into darkness is simple. Just be kind to people. Help those who need your help if you can. Be yourself. Be vulnerable.
Let go of your ego.