All the tears through the years will never be in vain. Nothing lifts the spirit more than seeing your life falling back into place after watching it crumble like cookies right before your eyes. When you reach the point of begging for money to survive, you will understand the meaning of shame.
The heart has taken so much beating. Now, it’s time to recover. When you finally locate the right place for you, everything you touch will turn to gold. Good luck will be your friend and the universe will be at your service. There is always time to reverse all the pain and you can start right now. You can do the impossible when you put your mind and soul into it.
Avoid all distractions and stay focused. Instead of complaining and waiting for conditions to change, be the change you want to see. Be the miracle that you expect. Ideas are worthless without execution. Intentions are fairy tales without action. Help somebody today. Life is about helping people and getting help in return. Happiness is the joy we feel inside our pain.
Poets are emotional warriors that dig deep into their darkest and sometimes brightest memories to excavate documentaries of their pains, passions and love. Inside these archives are dreams and failures of our attempts to make meaning of the world around us. Inside this imagination, we break our hearts over and over again in search of raw…