An awakened soul is a magnet for everything beautiful. Spiritual priesthood is not bestowed on people by human beings. It is an inherited spiritual trait that is passed down from eternity through our spiritual ancestral lineage. True prophets are anointed by their sufferings and ordained by their shame and disgrace.
We are validated by our humble souls and by the manifestation of our prophecies. Our spiritual strategy is an integrated and coordinated long-range plan of chaos, disorder and not knowing what to do. Because we live in the present, we are not worried about tomorrow.
At the core of our strategy, is our model for transforming spiritual suffering into inner peace and abundance. We are not our suffering but every great spiritual teacher must be tested in temptation and learn obedience from suffering. As we walk this path of spiritual adventure, we stay close to our pain and immerse ourselves in authenticity and brutal honesty.
Our love for silence is our only source of wisdom and we know that we know nothing. Everything, everywhere, and everybody is our teacher; we attract our kith and kin everywhere we go because it has been so ordained. We are digital prophets of a heavenly priesthood. Some people will understand this message and for others, it will sound like noise. This beautiful prose was composed and is being conveyed to you from the only…