Image by Sang uk Han from Pixabay

The Human Ego



The human ego is insatiable. This means some form of coercion is necessary to push ideas from the mind to practical reality. Organisation is needed but reason plays a minor role in the propagation of ideas. How do people acquire their beliefs about reality? The absence of reason can answer this question with precision.

The human ego is deceptive. It will tell you that you are always right. It fails the test of critical inquiry. You cannot question the ego. You feel it inside your body. Your immediate experience is felt at the moment of interaction. Your spontaneous reaction is brewed and expressed in the moment of the experience. The ego is in control and the subconscious mind is the driver.

The human ego is self-centred. We feel this impulse to protect what we know and to defend our original knowledge. Change is difficult. Unlearning our inherent beliefs is not easy. Deconstructing our ontological positions is almost impossible. It could take an existential crisis to bring us to the point of real change.




I write to heal myself. I write about politics. I write what I feel deeply about. I have a PhD. I am trying to live my best life. I write to share my truths.