Image by bulumalulu from Pixabay

The Most Important Day of My Life



Today has always been the most important day of my life. Today is every moment that I breathe. I am a continuous learner because there are so many lessons to learn.

Every breath teaches me to be humble and every voice teaches me empathy and humanity. Everyone is a mirror and has a message for you if you know how to introspect.

Today is a good day. Today should be celebrated. A time to heal your wounds. A time to reconcile with your inner critic. I embrace my vulnerabilities every day.

Today is a chance to be better. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never come. This present moment is all we have. I choose to rejoice and meditate in the felt presence of my immediate experience.




I write to heal myself. I write about politics. I write what I feel deeply about. I have a PhD. I am trying to live my best life. I write to share my truths.