Every morning when I wake up, I embrace my broken heart with my two hands. I check if my wounds are healing and then I say my gratitude prayer to soothe my anxiety-ridden emotions.
If you get a second chance at life, don’t waste it. You can be cruising and then all of a sudden there is a great crash. We lived life as if we had a death wish but we forged deep connections with the shadows of darkness.
People will always show their true colours. Everybody has their own agenda. I’m grateful for the people that showed me kindness along the way. I’m grateful for the people that rescued me from death.
Now we must die empty. Now we must sacrifice selfishness on the altar of selflessness. The road is bumpy but we were designed to overcome all obstacles.
I’m just trying to hold myself together in vain. What will be will be. Grief comes to visit me every morning. Regret never seems to be far away. Fear is always lurking around the corner. I wake up with self-doubt.
Is hope enough to counter these terrifying emotions? I fell in love with the darkness of my own soul, and now I cannot recognise my face. I defend myself all the time but I know I’m guilty.
And then I saw my future in the present moment and now I am a believer once again. There is a light in your soul that has been guiding you…