Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What is a learning culture?



I am writing about a learning culture in the context of organisational science. A learning culture is an organizational environment promoting continuous employee learning, transformation, and development.

The emphasis is on the “environment” that enables learning. In a learning culture, employees are encouraged to expand their theoretical and practical knowledge, acquire new skills, and improve their existing skills.

The environment is nurtured by intentional strategy, leadership buy-in to continuous learning, effective monitoring, mentorship, and execution. The knowledge produced and distributed within the organisation in the process of learning is not easily quantified.

Learning should be treated as seriously as any other investment that produces benefits. Learning cultures are strategically created; they don’t just appear suddenly.

Organisations must put structures and systems in place to support learning. There needs to be a shared vision for intentional learning and transformation.

A learning culture prioritises curiosity, experimentation, and reflection, fostering an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth rather than failures.

Employees need officially allocated time for learning and development because a continuously learning…




I write to heal myself. I write about politics. I write what I feel deeply about. I have a PhD. I am trying to live my best life. I write to share my truths.